Top 5 Use Cases of NLP in Finance

In today’s age of digitization, companies are betting big on Natural Language Processing to up their finance game. NLP is a component of AI that utilizes machine learning algorithms to empower computer systems to comprehend and interpret human language. NLP … Read More

Is Hyper-personalization Killing the Creative Process?

Nowadays, customers get targeted with multiple emails, text notifications, social media ads, etc., almost every day with offers and discounts of the products they have been aspiring for recently. Advertisers can now target customers like never before, thanks to data-driven insights. … Read More

Marketing in the Digital Age: Why Hyper-personalization Matters

In today’s age of digitization, being in the business world, a smart marketing tactic you should be aware of is marketing personalization.   Often described as “personalized marketing at scale”, hyper-personalization acts as an integration medium for data analytics and online marketing. Businesses find both opportunities … Read More

10 AI-driven Product Recommendation Techniques For Ecommerce

In a world where competition is rising by the minute, it is of extreme importance for consumers to feel valued. As eCommerce as a concept has expanded on the horizon, with everyone confined to their homes for a majority of … Read More

Google BERT Algorithm: Top Things You Must Know in 2021

Time after time, Google has released several updates that are inching their way towards a rewarding customer experience. The Google BERT update is no exception to this trend. Launched on 24th October 2019, Google BERT Algorithm has left SEO experts … Read More

Why you should Adopt 360-degree Approach for your eCommerce Store

How to strategically expand your brand awareness and business – this is a challenge that most industry managers and supervisors grapple within today’s highly competitive environment. The current consumer perspective and likings are complicated to navigate. Customers often use many … Read More

How to Master Product Recommendations for Your Online Apparel Store

Today, almost every online apparel store employs an eCommerce product recommendations engine. Anyone who has visited an eCommerce site has almost certainly seen product recommendations. This technology, based on product recommender systems, combines acquired data and predetermined algorithms to accurately predict and … Read More

Your A-Z Guide to Customer Lifetime Value and How to Make the Most From It

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the customer satisfaction standard of your goods and products on offer. CLV measures the amount of revenue generated through a customer in the time they bought your products.    CLV is a marketing tool that … Read More

10 Shopify Themes That Guarantee Better Conversions in 2021

Are you thinking about starting an online store to sell your products? Then we are pretty sure you might have heard about Shopify. Shopify is one of the best eCommerce platforms that helps entrepreneurs create their online stores and deliver … Read More

How Ecommerce Brands Can Leverage Customer Segmentation for Growth?

Every marketer or business owner aims to build their brand and revenue. And so, investing in marketing efforts is crucial. But, what is even more important is that to make sure that you spend it on the RIGHT marketing strategy. … Read More