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CDP Retail

Your A-Z Guide to Customer Lifetime Value and How to Make the Most From It

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the customer satisfaction standard of your goods and products on offer. CLV measures the amount of revenue generated through a customer in the time they bought your products. 


CLV is a marketing tool that helps a company understand its customer base. Ever wondered why VIP customers exist? They have the maximum CLV score while trading with the company. 


The Importance of Customer Lifetime Value in eCommerce

CLV is not a mere marketing metric to enhance your revenue. It clinically represents the customer behavior and spending pattern. Most important, it helps you prioritize your customer value in marketing. 


The benefits of measuring and tracking your company’s CLV are as follows:

  • Helps you provide necessary incentives towards your loyal customers, besides venturing for new clients.
  • Lowers customer acquiring costs.
  • Allows you to assess your operation’s weak points and work towards dedicated delivery facilities.
  • Delivers fruitful customer experience.

A reliable eCommerce with high customer trust offering state-of-art products at a discounted rate commands the best customer lifetime value example.


How to Calculate CLV

The customer lifetime value formula uses the customer value (revenue brought through the customer) and multiplies it with the retention time (average customer lifespan).

Formula to calculate CLV


To understand CLV, we need to emphasize AOV (average order value), F (purchase frequency), lifetime value of customers (1/churn rate), and GM (gross margin). 


Calculating AOV (Average Order Value)

AOV formula = Annual sales revenue generated/Total annual order


For instance, company X generated an annual sales revenue of $200,000 and received annual order of 4000. 

Therefore, the AOV of company X = 200,000/4000 = 50.


Calculating F (Purchase Frequency)

F = Total annual order/Total customers


Company X has an annual customer of 1000. Therefore, the company’s purchase frequency (F) = 4000/1000 = 4.


Calculating Gross Margin (GM)

GM is a percentage calculation of the profit a company incurs besides the expenses into account. 

GM = (Annual sales revenue – Cost of products sold)/Annual sales revenue * 100

To calculate the Cost of Products sold, you should consider the beginning inventory at the start of the last financial year, additional purchases in the current year, and the ending inventory that’s left at the end of the financial year. 


Cost of Products sold = Beginning inventory + Additional Purchases – Inventory left. Here’s how you would calculate GM for company X: 

  • Beginning inventory = $20,000
  • Additional purchases = $90,000
  • End inventory = $16,000 

Cost of Products sold = 20,000 + 90,000 – 16,000 = $94,000

Total Sales Revenue = Annual sales revenue – Beginning inventory = 200,000 – 20,000 = $180000

% of GM = (180,000 – 94,000)/180,000 * 100 = 47%


Calculating Churn Rate

% of Churn rate = {(Customers participated at the beginning – Customers retained at the end)/Customers participated at the beginning} * 100


Taking the same example of company X, let’s assume that they had 80 customers at the beginning and successfully retained 60 customers in the end. 

 The churn rate of company X would be:

% of Churn rate = (80-60)/80 * 100 = 25%

Retention Period = 1/25 = 0.4


Calculating Customer Lifetime Value

Now that we have figured out all the components, let us calculate the lifetime value of customers of company X:

  • AOV (average order value) = 50
  • F (purchase frequency) = 4
  • GM (Gross Margin) = 0.47

Customer lifetime value period (1/churn rate) = 0.4

Customer lifetime value formula for Company X = AOV * F * GM * 1/churn rate = 50 * 4 * 0.47 * 0.4 = $37.6


How to Improve CLV

  • Develop personalized emails to reach out to your customers based on their segment interest.
  • Offer them a freemium scheme. Your customers would adore the best-in-class features of your goods, besides hardly minding to spend a little extra to upgrade. 
  • The magic of coupons does wonders! Special offers and extra discounts would only ensure your loyal customers stay tight besides attracting a new crowd.
  • Courtesy emails are the new trend! Leave thank you emails for every successful purchase, adding an extra layer of empathy to your services. 
  • Use social media to connect, interact, and convert interested individuals into potential clients.
  • Shower your loyal clients with a free trial of the loyalty program. Treat them special only to have them subscribed after the trial ends.


Using Customer Data Platforms to Enhance Your CLV

A customer data platform can introduce eCommerce merchants to a massive amount of valuable information from multiple sources. Not only this, but it can also analyze the data for merchants to identify their target audience and retain loyal customers.


Using Customer Data Platforms to Enhance Your CLV


You can enjoy the following advantages with a dedicated customer data platform:

  • Classify customer value in marketing to understand customer behavior.
  • Customer lifetime value analysis helps you provide a holistic customer experience.
  • Access data from multiple databases while designing individual solutions for your unique customers. 


Strategies to Maximize Conversion Using CLV

A satisfied customer is the best business policy. Here are some of the proven tactics that can maximize CLV:


  • A warm welcome is the best start. Nothing assures your customers more than a smooth onboarding procedure, service with a smile.
  • Offer them not what they want but what they need. Let your customer think and decide what’s best for them. 
  • A 24/7 customer support service is best when you have clients all over the world.
  • Live-chat service to address their issues at the convenience of the customers
  • Showcase a DIY guide to aid your customers in using the products.
  • Connect with them at a personal level that includes adding a special complimentary gift on their special days.
  • Offer your privileged customers a subscription and annual billing cycles. It helps the customer eliminate crunch times while you get a steady CLV.
  • Flash sells because your customers deserve to buy at a discounted rate.
  • Maintain robust connectivity using social media, personalized emails, wishing them luck on special days.
  • Provide unique products and services that compliment your customer only to buy from you on every occasion.


In Closing

Customer data platforms have garnered quite
a lot of fame in the last few years, mainly because they can help eCommerce businesses boost the lifetime value of their customers. As a result, enterprises across the globe are creating a repository of client data from multiple sources and gaining valuable insights from it with platforms like RecoSense.


Artificial Intelligence Marketing Retail

Role of AI in Recovery of Digital Shopping Cart Abandonment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way eCommerce businesses operate. AI has improved several aspects of the industry, from lead generation to data collection. Customer-facing services are being transformed by machine learning algorithms concurrently.

Presently, eCommerce merchants adopt several tactics like automated logistics, customer email syncing, smart sales predictions, etc., to integrate AI into their processes and accomplish their sales targets. 

One of the ways AI can boost business performance is to lower digital shopping cart abandonment – which poses the biggest challenge for the eCommerce industry and leads to losses. 

What Is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

When a prospective customer begins the checkout process for an online order but abandons it before completing the transaction, it is known as shopping cart abandonment. Any item that a shopper adds to their shopping cart but never completes the transaction for is labeled as abandoned. 

Going by reports, an average eCommerce store faces a loss of over 75% of its sales due to cart abandonment, which can rise as high as 83% in some cases. It is why shopping cart abandonment is a problem for retailers. 

Top 6 Reasons for Digital Shopping Cart Abandonment

Let’s dive right in and look at some typical concerns that lead to shopping cart abandonment on your eCommerce website:

1. Unexpected Shipping-Related Charges

Hidden expenses are the leading cause of visitors abandoning their shopping carts on a large scale. In fact, almost one-third of all shoppers indicate it as a reason for cart abandonment.

Other hidden costs like tariffs or required complementary items, on the other hand, can create a negative impact. Such additional expenses irritate and annoy the customers right away after they show up in the final cart value. 

2. Reluctancy to Register for an Online Account

Customers demand convenience from you. They want things done swiftly. A primary source of friction is spending more time and effort than anticipated. When prompted to register a new user account, a significant proportion of cart abandoners doesn’t complete their transaction. 

3. Payment-Related Concerns

Customers usually have definite preferences regarding their payment methods and will only finish a purchase if their preferred method is available. Thus, the lack of diverse payment options could be a big reason for cart abandonment on your eCommerce platform.

Moreover, issues pertaining to payment security also stop them from completing the purchase. Website design flaws, obsolete layouts, broken graphics, and a lack of an SSL certificate are all major red flags.

4. Complicated Checkout Process

Your shoppers have a short attention span. So if the checkout process is too complicated or time demanding, they won’t hesitate to abandon it. Irrelevant forms frequently cause discomfort and might even be frustrating. All of these could lead to a poor purchasing experience on your website.

5. Technical Glitches on the eCommerce Site

Technical glitches and faults affect all technologies. Errors, crashes, and long load times on the website are key hindrances to making a purchase, and they contribute to a sense of insecurity on the site. These issues generally arise when the code of the checkout page isn’t correctly optimized and periodically updated. 

6.  Adding to Cart for Browsing Only

Many individuals who add products to their cart but do not complete them simply explore with no intention of purchasing. Customers frequently add products to their cart to keep track of them. It’s not unusual for shoppers to leave a store with the intention of returning. Many people will come back multiple times before completing a purchase.

How Does AI Help In the Recovery of Digital Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Shopping cart recovery is a crucial tactic for dealing with cart abandonment in addition to refining and optimizing the shopping cart experience. Regardless of how hard you try to prevent cart abandonment, some customers will always leave your site by checking out without purchasing any product. It is where cart recovery comes into play to try to reclaim a customer who has already left your eCommerce site.

eCommerce and Shopify merchants deploy Artificial intelligence to mitigate the digital shopping cart abandonment rates and drive more sales. AI and machine learning tools analyze a customer’s digital body language to determine when they are likely to depart the cart. They accomplish this by employing sophisticated analytical algorithms that quantify a large number of data points in real-time.

This way, you could comprehend the path that leads to cart abandonment on your eCommerce site and engage with customers the right way to keep them on course.

Here are three main AI tactics you should implement for effective digital shopping cart recovery and reduce the effects of shopping cart abandonment on your eCommerce site:

1. Abandoned Cart Email Marketing

If the visitor provided their email address during the checkout process and then left your site, you can reengage them through an abandonment email. AI-enabled automated systems can provide email marketing solutions by targeting users with reminder emails about the product they left without purchasing. An email offering a discount or a promo code is an effective way to persuade customers to return to your site and complete the transaction.

User data personalization is another productive technique to target customers based on their preferences and past purchases. Receiving an email with relevant content and recommendations that display your concern about a customer could be a long-term strategy towards recouping a lost sale.

2. Abandoned Cart Retargeting

Advertisement retargeting is another powerful tool for better digital shopping cart recovery. Retargeting advertising relies on cookies that help eCommerce merchants to keep track of the pages visited by the user and records the actions they have made while on the site.

You can use the data to generate advertising tailored to specific individuals and provide a personalized experience. You may put an ad on your checkout page using digital marketing platforms like Facebook and Google Ads to remarket to those users.

3. Personalized Offers on the Cart Page

Showing instant individualized offers on cart products is a powerful way to avoid Digital shopping cart abandonment. With AI you can offer attractive offers like an extra discount on cart products, free shipping, or loyalty points in real-time

The Bottom Line

eCommerce sites must monitor their shopping cart abandonment rates because a higher one is indicative of a poor customer experience or a broken sales funnel.

By tracking this crucial metric, you can successfully lower cart abandonment and drive in more sales, revenue, and profitability. AI technology brings in the right set of tools to put you forward in this game. 

Retail Shopify

Why Your Content Personalization Strategy Should Include Social Selling

Following 2020’s rise in Internet consumption, marketers are turning their attention to social selling — and for good reason. In the United States alone, the number of social media users is 223 million with a 70% penetration. This translates to a much larger native audience that savvy companies can convert into consumers.


But just how does this fit into your current content personalization strategy? Is it even worth it?

What is Social Selling?

Alternatively called social commerce, social selling involves the incorporation of shopping opportunities on social platforms, and in the past two years it has become increasingly popular. Later’s ultimate guide to social selling in 2021 outlined how COVID-19 has been the accelerant for social selling’s mainstream popularity. As physical shopping drastically declined, the convenient and highly visual shopping experience that social selling provided proved to be more appealing than “traditional” static shopping sites. 


A survey of Americans aged 18-34 showed that 48% have made a purchase through it. Meanwhile, experts expect that 7.8% of all e-commerce sales in 2024 will be from social commerce.


So, to answer the questions posed earlier: yes, it is absolutely worth it to implement social selling! Since the main goal of a content personalization strategy is to encourage loyalty, interest, and spending from consumers, including a social platform component can prove to be a less costly but even more lucrative endeavor.

The Unique Benefits of Social Selling


Boosts follower engagement 

Establishing engagement is a determining factor in the online landscape. Social selling allows you to create an online presence, while also leveraging on each social media platform’s various engagement tools such as likes, comments, and shares. This helps foster a sense of community between brands and consumers who then feel more connected and invested in your products. 


A 2021 Sprout Social study has even indicated that 85% of people who follow brands on social media are more likely to buy from them often. It also helps you humanize a brand, which endears it more to consumers who are increasingly looking to support companies with similar values and beliefs.


Streamlines the shopping process 

Recently, Baymard Institute’s data on cart abandonment showed an average rate of almost 70%. This is mainly due to redundant processes, hidden charges, poor interface, and lackluster engagement options in an e-commerce site. This means even if your content personalization successfully attracts audiences to your site, this doesn’t automatically translate to revenue. If anything, it could even cost you should any irate customers negatively review your site. After all, surveys show that majority of consumers read now reviews before making a purchase. 


Social selling works in your favor here since each platform already has fully integrated shopping tools. This means that consumers can complete the process—from initial connection, to browsing, to shopping, to checkout—all in one platform. Since social media is also optimized for mobile use, you are better able to reduce consumer pain points whilst increasing key touchpoints.

Key Considerations in Implementing Social Selling

Assuming you’ve already ironed out your content personalization strategy, including a social selling approach is quite straightforward. You must simply think of social media platforms as a more interactive and efficient way to spread your message. To best adapt your strategy, familiarize yourself with the medium. It’s a dynamic and exciting—but also exacting—opportunity for growth.


Each social media platform caters to a different demographic and utilizes different algorithms, so it’s important that you first understand which suits you. For instance, while women’s fashion retailers will do well on Pinterest, fitness-centered services may be better suited on Instagram Stories. It will help to study how your competitors are approaching social selling, too. From here, it will be clearer which type of content personalization works best with each platform’s native tools!

Social selling may seem like just an added responsibility for already successful online companies, but if you take a moment, you’ll see that it offers many unique advantages.


Article contributed by Ava Meyer for RecoSense.

Retail Shopify

How to Use AI Personalization Successfully on the Store

AI or Artificial Intelligence as we know it is not just a buzzword anymore. It is actually one of the most talked-about technologies in the retail sector. In essence, AI helps retailers create a personalized digital experience that can turn a potential customer into a loyal one.


Personalization is at the core of successful business online. By gathering data from your shoppers, AI can derive important user insights. Although AI-powered technologies were exclusively available to big companies, that is no longer the case.

Here are some ways to use AI personalization successfully, no matter the size of your website or online store.

1. Starting Small

The most important part is actually to use AI personalization. Nothing is perfect from day one, but you would know the perfect solution if you use it gradually. Choose one that is an easy start and go from there. Don’t think about the size or traffic of your website.

2. Iteration

Whatever solutions you use, chances are they would require iteration or improvement to fit your needs. You can initially run a check at least once a month, moving on to weekly checks after 6 months. For example, you can transform your store with AI-powered product discovery and personalized recommendations that generate lots of sales.

3. Intelligent Product Recommendations

Among all the applications of AI personalization, intelligent product recommendations increase engagement the most. You can place insightful recommendation bands on your homepage, product page, or anywhere else to upsell your products and keep shoppers engaged.

Intelligent search features keep track of your customers’ browser history, purchases made in the past, and searched items. This goldmine of data provides multiple benefits for your store, such as:

  • A higher number of returning customers.
  • Improved customer retention and sales.
  • A personalized shopping experience.


4. Reaction to Outside Influence

Your users’ preferences are constantly changing due to various events in the world. For your store to generate more revenue and catapult engagement rates, AI personalization requires reaction to such events and outside influences. This external factor could be anything, from the weather to special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.


Reacting to these external influences with appropriate recommendations can influence your buyers into making a purchase.


5. Highly Personalized Websites

One of the advantages of personalization is that it can create a much better online experience for your customers, especially if you want to make up for the lack of traffic to your website.

By targetting each consumer depending on their interests and purchase history, personalization can change your website content to reflect their preferences. Some areas where AI can improve customer experience include:

  1. Improving purchasing recommendation.
  2. Sharing targeted content in real-time.
  3. Increasing online conversion rates.
  4. Providing a personalized experience based on data.


6. Extend Customer Journey With Digital Signage

If you ever need indisputable proof that AI is the way of the future, simply look at the way stores send messages to their consumers. 


AI-powered digital signage is a real game-changer, allowing the store to price items and changes promotional strategies based on the customer.


For example, when a sports fan enters a store, they get specially tailored discounts on a jersey from their favorite team. Using AI to personalize product offers gives customers a sense of exclusivity that keeps them hooked to your site.


Besides internal communication, digital signage is also useful in promoting your store. For instance, AI-enabled email marketing can help you spread the word about products (or services) that interest the shoppers. Along with every user getting a personalized email, these marketing tools make intelligent user analyses based on their responses.


7. Optimizing for Mobile

A lot of the information historically was designed to be consumed on websites. But shoppers are not as reliant on their computers as they once were and have gradually shifted towards mobile phones. As a result, not optimizing for mobile platforms is probably the worst thing you can do for your business. 


AI can help you achieve better user engagement and retention in the following ways:

  1. Chatbots that improve consumer purchases and products.
  2. AI-powered personalization unifies data from multiple sources, which ultimately helps customers to take action.
  3. Analyzing a whole host of data such as user behavior, device type, and geo-location.
  4. Identifying unique interests that then help to make a sale.
  5. Driving clicks by using A/B testing to optimize the performance.


8. Better Results With Paid Advertising

Targetting people at random in the hopes that it’ll boost your store’s sales is wishful thinking. But the minute you reach out to the right demographics with the help of AI, you will see your revenue skyrocketing. 


AI applications can vastly improve paid advertising since ads can be changed instantly to meet specific interests. Some ways that you can take advantage of personalization for your advertising efforts include:

  1. Deliver relevant and real-time ads for efficiency.
  2. Share highly targeted content and offer and display ads.
  3. Improve ad performance based on data.


9. Leverage Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the phenomenon where physical devices worldwide are connected to the internet to share data. This AI-powered tech, right from wearables to home appliances, means that retailers can gather tools that provide them with huge amounts of data. Tapping into this data source can increase customer interaction and strengthen people’s connection with brands.



Based on your shopper’s preferences, AI creates personalized product recommendations that maximize conversion. It emerges as the key competitive differentiator that helps retailers share personalized content in real-time to enhance purchasing and sales.


Tapping into the huge power of AI will help future brands establish a connection with their customers and build loyal ones. It will separate your company from your competitors and provide you with lots of consumer data to leverage to help your customers further.


So if you’re looking to increase your sales and marketing activities, AI personalization can undoubtedly make you a leader in your business.


Retail Shopify

Quick Tips to Increase eCommerce Engagement

eCommerce has been on a tremendous rise over the past six to seven years. With several brick and mortar shops entering online shopping, the scope of the digital retail transformation has further widened. The expanding market segment would also give way to proportionally growing competition between retailers. As a result, the most prominent way to thrive in this competition is to enhance eCommerce engagement. 

Unsurprisingly, people want personal attention. Nobody wants or deserves to be treated as just an entity or a number. Therefore, customer experience becomes a prime brand differentiator that holds more weight than price and even products, commodities, and services.


To achieve the target of a higher retention rate, maximize conversion, and enhance profitability, an eCommerce platform must look for and implement ways to improve the overall customer experience and increase user engagement.


Top 6 Ways to Increase Customer Engagement in eCommerce

If you want to boost your sales figures or think your eCommerce store is not keeping up with the numbers you intended, follow these six established approaches for better customer engagement.


1. Personalize Your eCommerce Content

Personalization of eCommerce content is beneficial for cross-selling and other purposes. It entails presenting consumers with tailored deals, such as unique items, similar products, promotions, favored categories, and personalized search results.

Personalized content can be displayed to a user based on past and recent activity that includes:

  • Purchase history
  • Visited items and product pages
  • Clicked advertisements
  • Responded email campaigns
  • Personal information like geographic location and demographics

You can analyze this data and obtain valuable insights using various user analytics tools.  

An excellent technique that will help you boost your engagement rates is utilizing AI-powered personalized recommendations. AI pitches user-friendly suggestions on several eCommerce website sections like home page, product page, or cart page.

Moreover, it is effective in promoting intelligent search and suggesting similar products to users, keeping them engaged.

2. Explore the Opportunities Presented by Social Media Platforms

Social media itself is a platform to interact with the users and increase overall engagement. Here’s how you can harness the power of this tool:

  • Use paid ads to target potential and existing customers and boost site traffic.
  • To generate organic traffic, post engaging social media content mentioning links to your eCommerce site.
  • Provide real-time response to users by integrating live chat features on the social media pages.
  • Reward users to share your products via embedded share icons on the profile page.
  • Set alerts through social media on the new product listing, price drops, and discounts.

3. Promote User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to engage with your eCommerce site by giving them a voice. Product feedback, tweets, a selfie with your product by verified users, blog posts, social media tags and mentions, etc., are sources of user-generated content.

It gives the impression that your goods are well-known and reliable. This way, the consumer can witness real people using and enjoying your products.

4. Suggest Products Based on the Buyer Profile Data and Preferences

Buyer personas are necessary if you want to gain a deep understanding of your target audience and increase user engagement. Proper analysis of your customer base enables you to tailor your product your service to meet their demands. 

The best way to make the most of this data is to implement recommendation bands. These bands make recommendations and display your visitors the best-selling products based on their tastes and preferences.


More than that, the bands can be strategically positioned on various sections of the eCommerce platform, based on the outcome you are aiming to achieve.


For instance, you can place recommendation bands on the home page to display bestsellers, on the product page to promote similar products, and even on the cart page for up-selling and cross-selling items.  


5. Create Relevant High-Ranking Content Consistently

The most prominent eCommerce engagement strategy that brings new users onboard and drives an enormous number of sales is providing relevant and scalable content regularly.

Content like high-quality blog posts, product reviews, and press releases help users decide whether or not to buy a product. In addition, it convinces them that you are an expert, improves your SEO rankings, and creates an opportunity to be recommended across numerous online platforms.  

You can follow a content-driven strategy by attaching links to the content piece on your site’s product pages.

6. Strategize Your Sales Promotions

Some of the most successful methods to increase customer engagement and maximize conversion rates include offering a discount on products, free shipping options, coupon and promotion codes, vouchers, etc.

Offering discounts on your best-selling products is a fantastic way of tempting a customer for a premium membership, newsletter subscription, or signing up for email updates.

Loyalty programs are yet another way to build ongoing relationships with customers. You can incentivize customers to keep shopping on the platform and recommend your products to their friends and relatives.

The Bottom Line

With ever-evolving consumer tastes, the eCommerce market is very competitive. You can lose many customers if all your eCommerce strategies are oriented towards one goal – ‘sell’. 

Rather, the best way to thrive and survive is to win the trust of your customers and maintain relationships. The websites that invest in eCommerce personalization today are the only ones that will remain profitable in the long run.

The above-discussed tips will help you improve the overall user experience and enhance your understanding of customer expectations and services, eventually leading to higher sales.

Of course, it’s challenging to implement all of these strategies at a time, but even if you start out with one or two, you are likely to see results. 

Retail Shopify

4 eCommerce Retention Strategies To Make Your Website Visitors Stay

Say that you have an eCommerce website that is well-crafted and carved according to your niche. The website purely aims to reflect on what you do. And you also have a decent reach and traffic on the website. But you notice that the eCommerce retention rate is still very low! It could specifically mean that the visitors navigate away from your website after only one page visit. 


There is no denying that converting visitors into leads and sales is crucial for the business when they land on the page for the first time – between 70 and 96% of website visitors do not return after the initial browsing.


Moreover, according to an article published in Taylor & Francis Online, websites have only about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) to grab their visitors’ attention. 


But what could you possibly do to retain the visitors to your website and create an impactful image of you? Engagement


Only when your customer immerses and engages in your website will they be interested in buying your products, hiring your services, and so on. However, having a mere website that you are satisfied with is not enough. There is a need to detect what is causing your visitors to fade away from your site and put substantial efforts into restoring them.

So how do you do that? 


1. Tell Users What to Do With Call to Actions (CTAs)

CTAs are the best way to turn your visitors into active users. Unfortunately, 7 out of 10 small businesses don’t have one on their homepage.


When a visitor checks out the page, they want to know what your website wants them to do. As such, you must prompt them to take action by telling it to them at every step of the way.


Your customer won’t subscribe to your newsletter unless you ask them to; they won’t be interested in learning more unless you provide them with that service. “Buy Now”, “Read More”, “Get Started”, and “Subscribe” are just some of the CTAs that prove beneficial in engaging your users and increase eCommerce engagement.


2. Personalize Your Customer Experience

It might sound cliché, but personalizing user experience can work wonders for your website. Almost three-fourths of the customers want a shopping experience that is unique to them. It simply means that they expect to garner an experience tailored specifically to meet their needs and wants.


Without personalization, you could completely fail to deliver a great shopping experience for your users! As a result, the best way to retain them is through product recommendations. Just in case they are looking out for a festive gown, you already can sense their interest in purchasing from the festive collection. 


Additionally, you can provide them with the arena of bottom wear that might complete the entire look. It convinces them to stay longer on the page and also gains the possibility of lead conversion. Voila!


3. Make Your Website Eye-Pleasing

The aesthetics of a website are not to be ignored. Since the first impressions of any website are 94% design-related, you don’t want to disappoint your customers with a bland appearance. 


It’s simple: your customers will stay longer on your online shop if they enjoy being there. Humans always look out for appearances, and websites will not be spared either. As a result, it is essential to maintain a color palette that relates to your brand image, having texts at a readable glance, and looking out for balance.


Bear in mind that users spend an average of 5.94 seconds looking at the website’s main page. Therefore, you need to make sure to attract your customers during those precious seconds and make their visit worthwhile while increasing eCommerce retention. 


4. Exit-Intent Pop-Up to the Rescue

Even after scratching every opportunity to convince customers to stay on your website, there is still a last ray of hope: pop-up offers. They appear just when the visitor is about to close the tab and can prove valuable in driving your conversion rates. The only thing is that the offers should be irresistible.


You can provide your customers with offers like personal coupon codes, freebies, and exclusive discount offers. Even time-limited offers are a great option and can increase the pressure of lead conversion. There are various ways to leverage this, depending on the page the visitor is on. 


The exit-intent technology is a successful strategy that allows you to attract customers once again to your online shop. To make it work in your favor, provide one single personal offer that will be exclusive and as attractive as possible. 

Spoiler Alert! – An AI-powered personalization engine clubbed with Exit-Intent is sure to increase eCommerce retention!


In Closing 

The internet is huge. People are browsing through hundreds of websites every week. They come across hundreds of websites offering the same product and services as you. In such a cutthroat landscape, your goal is to stand out among all those others. 


To improve your website’s retention rate, you must build a relationship with the customers. Make them believe that you are not only selling them but providing them with a personalized experience. This won’t just instill trust in them, but it also encourages them to stay on the website even longer – and perhaps even visit more often. 

Retail Shopify

Top 10 Effective Ways to Maximize Your Revenue With eCommerce Personalization

The introduction of eCommerce has dramatically changed the marketing dynamic and how marketers and advertisers engage with their target audiences. Almost every day, several new eCommerce stores open, and the customers are spoiled for options, making it tricky to keep them engaged with your brand. When it comes to improving the online customer experience, many businesses are having trouble overcoming certain major issues like low average order value, high bounce rate, low customer retention, and low user engagement, to name a few. The most effective way to solve these problems is through eCommerce personalization.


eCommerce personalization is a strategy that focuses on providing customers with remarkably relevant shopping experiences and interactions based on their browsing habits, preferences, and demographics.


Here are some proven techniques or strategies you must implement to increase your online sales, maximize conversion, and create brand loyalty among customers in a cost-effective manner.  



1. Personalized Product Recommendation

Conversion rates are significantly influenced by personalized product recommendations. By implementing AI and machine learning tools, you can display relevant products and deals to each customer segment, regardless of their customer profile.  


Personalized search and merchandising provide predictive relevance of products and recommendations to the individual, thereby increasing company revenue. The strategy focuses on your consumers’ preferences, behaviors, trends, dislikes as well as customer-specific recommendations.


2. Personalize Your Homepage, Cart Page, and Other Landing Pages

If you face issues like high bounce rates and low user retention on your homepage, then Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you get back on track. With AI, you can track customer activity, search interests, and behavior across pages and throughout the online store. Every page, including the homepage, cart page, etc., can be personalized from an individual customer point of view.  


Moreover, you can implant upsell recommendation bands on the home page, product page, and cart page to offer suggestions and show best sellers to customers visiting the store.


3. Send Personalized Emails

Email marketing is considered the most effective organic medium for marketing online, especially for the eCommerce segment.

Before launching an email marketing campaign, any eCommerce store should first dynamically classify website visitors based on their searching behavior on the store website. Segmentation could be done based on various characteristics like new sign-up, product viewed, added to cart, subscribed to the newsletter, and much more.


Along with this, personalizing the email subject line can do the trick. You can incorporate the customer’s recent interests and trends, increasing the chances of generating further conversions.


4. Geography-Based Personalization

With the use of web analytics, any user’s geographical location can be determined. You can use this information to optimize your online store for different regions and customize the shopping experience for users.


You can use some tactics like communicating in the local language, seasonability-based orders, product price set according to the currency, and product listing and recommendation based on local trends.


5. AI for User Data Analytics

The massive amount of consumer data gathered regularly can be intimidating for marketers, to say the least. This is not only because of the amount of data but also because converting it into concrete insights for your marketing strategy is time-consuming and prone to costly human errors.


But thanks to AI and ML techniques, this data can be processed in real-time. In addition, AI can provide real-time insights on the personalized web search, behavioral merchandising strategies, and personalized email marketing campaigns.


6. Provide Personalized User Experience to Customer Segments

Use eCommerce personalization platforms for data interpretation across customer groups. The behavioral data of every visitor can be collected by applying various AI-based systems. After data analysis, several relationships are established between basic customer information, including views, searches, time spent on a product page, and transactions. Finally, products are suggested using a predictive modeling approach.


7. Provide a Curated Product List

Customers want to purchase the items they want without scrolling through the entire store. Preparing a curated list of products based on their browsing and purchasing history will help them save time searching for and choosing these items.


Moreover, notifying them about the latest curated list via an email or desktop notification can bring in more revenue for your eCommerce venture.


8. Loyalty Program for Customers

Prepare a loyalty program for your regular customers where you can reward them with attractive offers such as early access to sales, discount coupons, loyalty points, exclusive offers, promo codes, etc. Plus, you can reward them for referring your services to their friends. This strategy not only allows you to establish a close bond with your users but also provides your business with some word-of-mouth publicity.


9. Deploy Chatbots to Engage With Customers

Chatbots offer a fantastic way to personalize the customer experience. The best thing about chatbots is that they can work 24/7 to keep the business running, thus bringing in customer delight. Just by setting up auto-responders, you can provide round-the-clock customer support, complete customer purchases, offer product recommendations, and much more. 


10. Measure Your Performance

It’s crucial to assess how well the online store website and emails have performed before investing in eCommerce personalization.

Make sure that the tool you’re using has comprehensive analytics and a performance-metric dashboard that displays the targeted keyword search terms, preferences, promotions, etc. Keep a constant check on marketing campaigns to ensure that they are yielding the best results – specifically related to the tool in use.


The Bottom Line

If you successfully implement the discussed strategies and make shopping a personalized experience for your customers, nothing can stop you from boosting your revenue, gaining more customers, and achieving brand loyalty. 



How AI Is Shaping The Future Of eCommerce Landscape ?

In this hyper-competitive business world, technology is being incorporated in the businesses more than ever just to grow at a rapid pace.Ai is impacting each and every industry virtually has enabled the integration of emerging technologies such as Big data, IoT, etc. In the same way, AI is impacting the future of eCommerce landscape.


If you are new to AI then you might not be aware of how AI is shaping the future of eCommerce business and more. So, let’s dig deeper into the topic.  This article will help you find out what exactly AI is and how AI is shaping the future of eCommerce Landscape.


Most of the eCommerce giants are incorporating AI in their business strategies to boost their ROI. Coming to the eCommerce and lifestyle business, AI has changed its entire game. No matter what the outcome is, AI has provided eCommerce landscape some great ways to engage with their shoppers and retain them in this hyper-competitive space with its special hyper-targeting features.


How AI is transforming the future of eCommerce Landscape?

AI is transforming the relationship between technology and people. Apart from that AI has been shaping the future of eCommerce landscape by its powerful features. The future of Artificial intelligence promises a definite new era of disruption and productivity. Here human ingenuity is always enhanced by speed and precision.

Impact of AI in future eCommerce landscape


The prime example of AI shaping the eCommerce landscape is the survey result from Statista. In 2017, the retail eCommerce sales worldwide have reached $2.29 trillion and it’s expected to grow up to the $3.74 trillion by the end of 2020. That means E-commerce is growing continuously by 20% every year.


AI-powered Personalization can Encourage Users to Return

These days, people love to have some personalized touch to the eCommerce product. Usually, personalization in the eCommerce industry is not a new aspect, but it’s emerging with the help of AI.


AI powered User Personalization is said to be the flagbearer in shift over in the future of eCommerce landscape. You can find many retailers use collaborative filters to provide customers with good recommendations. These filters are based on their most viewed history, best sellers, popularity, and other parameters.


Although these collaborative filters only gather data from one channel such as mobile applications, online stores, etc. But AI helps you to seamlessly enhance your customer experience across all the platforms. Almost all the eCommerce sites these days are having these special features mainly to attract users and help them buy their desired product with ease.


Even in a niche product market place like that for medical devices, Pink blue is leveraging AI-based platform to predict and display personalized and similar products. As AI predict data and display relevant results. It’s also showing the popular products in the brand to help their users.

Product Personalization in pink blue e-store


Machine Learning Provides Better Search Results

As AI is becoming incredibly important, brands are now turning towards it and incorporating machine learning to quickly enhance their search results.


Machine learning can help shoppers to sort out the search results by relevance. You can see machine learning in lots of eCommerce tech giants.


Many eCommerce portals using machine learning to get the most relevant search results for customers. Now, with these actionable user insights, most of the companies will love to have this tech on their eCommerce platform because its best suited for their customers. This could definitely improve their sales and enhance their customer experience as well.


Artificial Neural Networks For Campaigning

Most of the eCommerce sites use AI neural networks just to recreate how the human brain behaves. With the help of these networks, retailers can simply collect data and make changes to their ad campaigns to make them work. With the help of neural networks, you can carefully understand the pattern of the users and even predict the trends and other aspects which are useful.


 AI has improved Visual Search

Shoppers can now say goodbye to the old way of text-based search. Previously when a user wants to have to look at the objects, then they have to undergo text-based search but with AI it is changed.


Thanks to AI, now shoppers can just upload an image and find the related products that the customers are looking for with ease. The visual search capabilities have improved a lot by AI, particularly in mobile platforms. If you are a regular online shopper then you will love to check out the items with the filters such as — shape, size, color, brand, and fabric as well. Visual search often gives an advantage to the users and it also gets accurate outcomes.


These special filters will help the shopper to find the exact products they are looking for within a few seconds. These days shoppers don’t even have to do shopping to explore new products they love. This is another advantage of the AI in eCommerce platforms and this can definitely enhance their digital sales.


Voice Search – The Innovation Which Leads Customers to Search More

People love to use voice search to find out the products they want to buy. Usually, most people these days love to use voice search because they are tired of boring ways of typing the keyword of searching for their favorite product.


Nearly 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020 so that’s a huge figure when it comes to the voice search. That’s why incorporating voice search to the eCommerce landscape is a huge plus. All the voice searches will make use of Artificial intelligence to quickly recognize what users are trying to search for and recognize their voices and phrases as well.


Apart from that, virtual shopping assistant voice searches can help shoppers to have an interactive real-time conversation with an e-commerce platform. This special feature can give a great experience for shoppers and will increase customer retention as well. According to creative strategies, 97% of mobile users are using AI-voice assistants.


Recently, Google Home has made it possible for users to make online shopping by using voice-based search technology. So, shoppers can simply place orders through their voice with the device integration with the help of Alexa technology.


Ex: Voice search is a go-to option for e-commerce businesses. There are literally hell lots of examples when it comes to voice search. Take a look at the “Google Assistant”, Apple Siri, windows Cortana all these are voice search engines which helps you shop with ease.


Online Personal Assistant

With the latest AI innovations, shoppers can now take advantage of personal fashion assistant. This personal assistant will give personalized recommendations on the basis of their past searches and usage pattern. AI technology is helpful to curate products without manual work. So, users love the virtual assistants.


Sometimes these virtual assistants will also send push notifications and alerts for the price of the product which the user is searching for and it also helps the eCommerce business to get a higher conversion rate. With the help of an online personal assistant, you can also check out the product recommendations and more. So definitely say AI is crucial for eComm




AI is the Game changer in future of eCommerce landscape

AI has been a hot new trend in the eCommerce industry and has a significant impact on the future of eCommerce landscape, which is why most of the eCommerce giants are striving to implement it on their business. If you’re striving to get succeeded with your eCommerce site, Artificial intelligence will help you to find out real and sustainable benefits.


Apart from that, RetailSense an AI-powered user personalization engine can help you out in this fast-paced digital world. With the RetailSense, you can create the best user experience and powerful analytics help you observe the key stats for your business and helps users to move forward. Not only that, but you can also even use personalized retargeting


The fast pace at which AI is gaining traction in the e-commerce industry heralds a promising optimistic future in the eCommerce landscape. And, with RetailSense, you can change the way how you communicate with your customers and enhance your products. This is how AI is shaping the future of the eCommerce landscape.  



Omnichannel Personalization in Retail

Amidst the quick retail transformation and e-Commerce industry have supported common retailers to make their online presence. e-Commerce businesses and retailers are confronting pressures to get accommodated with a technique that focuses on a solitary medium that is no longer sufficient to attract the growing demands of the consumers. The rise in the number of retailers has also given the choice to the user to choose what they want. That’s where personalization seizes the limelight. Let us discuss the importance of  Omnichannel personalization in retail and why retailers should consider adopting Omnichannel personalization for their retail e-store.


Why Retailers need to embrace an Omnichannel personalization?

E-Commerce Industry and retail are rising exponentially and so are the expectations of the customers. Since the Consumers are consistently living with the brand across their buying lifecycle and they expect a sense of having a personalized experience that is on the top of all channel frontiers. It can be social media, website, mobile, and so on.


Since, Personalization is one of the most relevant characteristics of customer allegiance. Omnichannel personalization in retail has been essential to reach customer expectations.


Omnichannel personalization in retail is a way out of multi-channel strategies that focuses to offer the customer with an effortless, seamless, and high-driven quality of shopping experience.


This takes place within and between channels of contact, irrespective of whether the customer keens to shop from a desktop, web, or Smartphone or at a brick and mortar.

Omnichannel Personalization


How to Achieve Omnichannel Personalization in Retail?

1.Web and Email Personalization

Email marketing is known to be a continuously driven communication channel in which the companies opt to interact with their customers. It has transformed over time, with various technological developments in the market.


Web channels and email can be directly linked to promoting messages that powerfully deliver proposals of items that are accustomed to the interests of every single client. This includes knowledge gathered from email and web actions.


2.Personalized Mobile Apps

It is a prime concern to implement specific personalization techniques that employ the topography to enhance the experience for the customers who are always in a hurry and reveal Geo-centric offers. The recognizers assembled for email and web can be utilized to organize the portable channel, allowing the sharing of information inside and crosswire throughout channels for continuous engagement.


3.In-Store Personalization

With a set-up of a strong portable technique, extending personalization in-store is a consecutive characteristic stage. Coming up with lucrative deals, partners with tablets for procuring clients, and advanced presentations is the succinct methodology to take care of the personalization into the physical sphere.


Catching in-store, information for buying can be more worrisome on the fact that POS frameworks are consistently not in a cohesive state with online channels.  It returns to mention an identical customer identifier accomplished in various channels.


4.Customer interaction center

Contact center point usually appears at the consecutive stage, drawing on the telephone and web-based client benefit operators in with the general mishmash involving offers and item perspective proposals relevant to every customer.


Omnichannel retail keeps on progressing, fueled by shifts in buyer desires and conduct for more of tailor-made experiences that are genuine inside each and every step a client collaborate.


Organizations can start reciprocating on this desire by determining the channels that are most purposeful to their consumers, least demanding to materialize and begin a staged omnichannel personalization approach that will gradually interpret a continuous guarantee for the client experience.


5.Omnichannel Product Recommendations


Make efforts to develop touchpoints for your customers in the following manner:

  • Personalize every Feature of your Website

Attract customer attention by combining personalized product recommendations, offers, and content across your website which includes home pages, landing and category pages, product pages.


  • Personalize Mobile Users with Engagement

Outstretch the personalization to buyers simultaneously with contextually significant product recommendations on apps and mobile sites for covering complete omnichannel aspects.


Create ubiquitous experiences across mobile devices and sessions to increase engagements and conversion rates.


  • Personalize In-store Experiences

Facilitate in-store associates with extensive customer data on the latest purchases, browsing history, and buying intent to make product recommendations on an individual basis.


Increase fulfillment of omnichannel strategies like buying online pick-up-in-store, ship-to-store, and returns with personalized recommendations during conversations with in-store associates.


  • Personalize your Call Centre Communications

Combine estimated recommendations into sales, customer service calls, or returns by motivating representatives with enriched customer data.


Highlight significant products subject to preferences, web browsing, and latest purchases. Give engaging experiences for each buyer based on their individual needs.


Effects of OmniChannel Personalisation in Retail


1.Optimized Conversions

Tailor-made omnichannel experience such as product recommendations, rapid web-based promotion, and content subject to consumer behavior, statistics, social communications, in-store behavior, click-stream information, setting, climate, and area increment regulatory transformation. Personalization can disclose 5 to 8 times the return on initial capital investment made in promotional expenses.


2.Higher-Order Value

Support your clients on their buying venture and increment usual requests by giving them incentives with strategies. For instance, computer-based product recommendations, focused interest-based offers, effective marketing, and launching of the shopping cart movement.


3.Higher Lifetime Value for Customer

Retailers who ingeniously contextualize and tailor-made offers to customers can prompt more repetitive business.


4.Enhanced Data Assemblage

In-store information assemblage is resulting in an increasingly essential element of the omnichannel methodology of retailers. It provides the clients with an extensive tailor-made shopping background,  offering deals staff the efficiency to manufacture relevant customer profiles, and allowing retailers to administer the in-store investigation they must differentiate clients and increment deals.


As on the web and discontinued efforts sustain with retail advertisers, blending needs to be wrapped up which specifies clear mindfulness of the relevance of in-store information assemblage and how the clients react to the questions asked by the retailer.


5.Improved Customer Relationships

The more you know about the preferences of your customer, the more you will be able to establish relationships and induce their retention rates. The features of customers’ behaviors and choices will help deliver user experiences on a personalized level and enhance engagement.


6.Predictive Personalization

Depending upon the customer interests, p
urchase repetitions, and several other factors, it can be estimated which customer may formulate purchase and the medium of a channel of purchase.


7.Integrated Analytics

The analytics of the omnichannel customer allows the retailers to draw out an incentive from information with a particular end goal to know who their customers are and what they expect from most of their brands.


8.Increase in Brand Love

In this shifting of channel economy, mark moving, client dependency is widely significant and can be attained only due to the intense, discerning customer strategy that involves completely tailor-made and contextualized offers.


Need for Omnichannel personalization in Retail

As the online businesses have already carved its foothold with its extensive online presence, there are many challenges and avenues retailers are confronting with. Personalization is one of the most relevant characteristics of customer allegiance. It has been essential to reach customer expectations


So omnichannel personalization in retail is requisite in order to reach customer requirements and quantify the revenue.




Learn How to Optimize Product Discovery for eCommerce using AI

Product management in eCommerce has its roots deep down in discovery. Enabling product discovery for eCommerce generally differs across websites, but the essence is to help the customer find what they are looking for sooner. Optimizing product discovery for eCommerce increases the chances of conversion. Therefore, your eCommerce portal must be intuitive and intelligent enough to facilitate efficient product discovery for each customer.


A study by ClickTale revealed that shoppers spent more time attempting to find their product on eCommerce websites that were not optimized for product discovery, but left because they were unable to find it.


On the contrary, eCommerce websites with strong user insight make the customer stick around to make a purchase despite spending less time on the site. The study said small retailers tracked a longer time on site (around 200 seconds) than large retailers (around 70 seconds). But, the bounce rate for small retailers was higher at 34 percent in comparison to that for large retailers (9.4%). Quicker and efficient product discovery becomes a positive customer experience, leading to retention.


Why Product Discovery for eCommerce is Essential?

These numbers prove that large retailers are beating small retailers in the game of optimizing product discovery, and thus reaping benefits in terms of revenue and conversions. Due to substandard customer experience, customers are abandoning their purchases midway from small retailers.


We can derive from the study that Product discovery is essential for any eCommerce store irrelevant of the size and scale of your retail eCommerce store. This further raises concerns on how to enable product discovery in your eCommerce store?


Optimizing Product Discovery for eCommerce


1. Optimize the Home Page

Here is what customers first see when they land on your website. Make sure you are leveraging the home page to ease product discovery, using one or more of these elements:


  • Promotions – These are your current discounts and ongoing time-sensitive offers. Use intelligence-infused solutions that help you personalize offers for customers at various buying stages such as first-time users, first-time buyers, repeat buyers, and so on.
  • Personalized elements – These might include the ‘Recently viewed’ or ‘You might like’ sections. Where the user is logged in, or where their browsing history is saved via cookies, pull products based on the customer’s past purchases or cart additions. You can even leverage customer data such as their gender or location to personalize recommendations on those factors.
  • Popular products – These are the products you can show to people who are in their initial journey with your website. A display of the fast-selling products can help customers choose between two brands.
  • New arrivals – If fashion is one of your eCommerce offerings, it makes a lot of sense to show what’s new. Most customers would love to buy something that’s fresh and so these product displays are compelling.
  • Educational content – Your homepage can be the right place to ease the customer deeper into their buying journey with you. To do so, you can offer informative content such as product reviews and ratings so that customers who are not yet ready to make a purchase can still find something of use.

2. Streamline the Navigation

Product navigation is a critical component of the shopping experience for buyers who know what kind of product they want but have not yet made a decision. Otherwise, they might have used the search feature. If you are looking for a new couch and are not hung up on a type, color, brand, or size, you will want to explore. And that is exactly the reason why product navigation needs to be quick and seamless. Flyout navigation menus work great here. They offer a way to start with a broad idea and then subsequently narrow down your desired product as you go.


3. Strategize the Filterable Product Attributes

Now, you need to focus buyers on getting what they want. If you don’t help them make a purchase soon, they might abandon and go back.

There are two ways to do this:


  • Make use of rich product attributes that cover every aspect your customer would want to customize and filter. And, make sure you allow the customer to filter as well as sort by these attributes. A few of the factors can be height, weight, color, availability, reviews, brand, cost, and so on.
  • Optimize the filtering and sorting experience for your customer. Avoid reloading the page for every added filter. This only decelerates decision making and increases buyer frustration. Use checkboxes to allow the customer to add multiple filters at once and see consolidated results.  

4. Faster, Accurate, Personalized Search Results

For powerful discovery, enable auto-correct, search by attributes, brands, and auto-suggestion capabilities in the search bar. Building a strong user persona for aiding personalization also helps make the search inputs more effective. Aim to feature relevant products immediately from a product search. 


For instance, if the buyer searches for ‘black shoes’, the search should direct them to the ‘shoes’ subcategory with ‘black’ pre-selected as the color attribute. Leverage Error 404 pages to display hot and popular items in the same category the user was looking in. An error can turn the user off, but you can leverage it as an opportunity to drive sales.


5. Secondary Product Discovery

For customers who recently bought a mobile phone, for instance, you can make secondary product recommendations such as screen-protection glasses or mobile holders. Upsell using personalized secondary product recommendations. If a pair of pants were frequently bought with a shirt the buyer selected, make the recommendation under the ‘Complete the Look’ feature. These specific steps can highly optimize product discovery for your audience in eCommerce and help them swish through the shopping experience, coming back to you for more!


Intelligent Product Discovery for eCommerce using AI

Artificial Intelligence can reduce stress by analyzing, segmentalizing, and orchestrating the data of each customer. Instead, it makes it less tedious and Intelligent by providing personalized recommendations and makes it easier in the decision-making of the customer.


Using intelligent personalization, recommendation, and visualization will help you leverage AI and analytics to their full potential. Experience increased conversions, lifetime value, order value, revenue, and repeat purchases with a data intelligent SaaS platform empowering product discovery for eCommerce using AI, such as RetailSense.